Tag Archives: NEJM

Kandel, Kandel, and NEJM: flogging the gateway hypothesis to attack e-cigarettes

by Carl V Phillips

I expected to focus today’s post on all the stupid media reports on the publication that I wrote about yesterday via the CASAA press release. But a funny thing happened: almost nothing. Though this was the type of supposedly-authoritative sensationalism that the press usually eats up, there were remarkably few stories in the American press. So I decided to go old-school with the post instead, and focus on the lies and liars. Continue reading

CASAA response to new study that claims ecigs are a gateway to cocaine

by Carl V Phillips

I will write more about this later. I know it is a bit odd to lead with the response rather than the background analysis, but it has been a long day. By the time you read this, the first of the churnalism articles reporting the junk science claim referenced in the title should already be appearing, so you can see the details of what this press release was responding to. Here is what we sent out, copied below for your convenience.  Please send the above link to reporters and post in comments when you see the inevitable stories start appearing.

[Update: Rodu on this.]


CASAA: New claims that e-cigarettes are a gateway to cocaine use are junk science Continue reading